"A birth certificate shows we were born, a death certificate shows we died, but photos show we lived. That's why I love taking photos of anything and everything." ~~ Nick Nardo

"The world is so much a better place, when you learn to close one of your eyes." ~~ D-Man Snapshot

Monday, July 21, 2008

Toilet story

I hope this will not affect your appetite for the next few hour. This is what i will come across every morning in my toilet, a favourite trandmark of my housemate. Well, i am not a very particular person, and i think i am a very flexible person, but then, early in the morning the first thing you go to a toilet and see this yellowish chrysantemun tea in there, that really make me sick. why on earth people doesnt flush after toilet? if you staying together in a house, cant you be considerate a bit?

i ponder this question for a while, and then i come to these conclusion why people doesnt flush their toilet:
  1. They are extreme environmentalist who think flushing is not a environmental friendly thing, which doesnt apply here.
  2. they are from Ulu Kampung from somewhere and never see a toilet seat before and thus doesnt know the toilet got a flush function. which could be possible here...
  3. they got this short term memory lost that they forgot to flush, which, is possible also
  4. they did it on purpose to show their attitude, which is possible also
  5. they are dog, piss and go, dog never flush, which, is possible also
  6. last but not least, i call this, "chicken chop kid", which is 100% applicable here!
good nite

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